Starfish Academy, a program under The Florida Center for Early Childhood, is a beacon of hope and opportunity for young children in Sarasota and North Port, Florida. This nationally accredited early childhood education program is committed to providing a high-quality, inclusive learning environment for children aged six weeks to five years.
What sets Starfish Academy apart is its inclusive model. Here, children with and without disabilities learn side-by-side, fostering empathy, understanding, and social skills. This collaborative approach not only benefits children with special needs but also enriches the learning experience for all students.
Starfish Academy's curriculum is designed to stimulate young minds and promote holistic development. It covers a wide range of areas, including:
Starfish Academy offers more than just academic instruction. The program provides a variety of supportive services, including:
By offering a comprehensive range of services, Starfish Academy ensures that each child receives the individualized attention and support they need to thrive.
Starfish Academy is more than just a school; it's a community dedicated to nurturing the potential of every child. Through its inclusive model, high-quality curriculum, and supportive services, Starfish Academy is empowering young learners to reach their full potential.
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